这张10万第纳尔纸币是上世纪90年代克罗地亚建国不久后的第一版货币,正面是克罗地亚数学家、天文学家、物理学家路德·博什科维奇,背面是克罗地亚之母雕塑,已于1994年停止流通,目前克罗地亚货币单位为库纳。Croatia, located in southeastern Europe, with its capital Zagreb, announced its secession from the former Yugoslavia on June 25, 1991, joined NATO in 2009, and joined the EU on July 1, 2013. On April 27, 1992, China recognized the Republic of Croatia. On May 13, 1992, China and Croatia established diplomatic relations. On January 11, 2015, kolinda grabar kitarovic was elected President, becoming Croatia's youngest and first female president since independence.
This note was the first version of Croatian dinar in the 1990s, shortly after Croatia's founding. On the front is Croatian mathematician, astronomer and physicist Ruder Boškovic, and on the back is a sculpture of Croatia's mother. It ceased circulation in 1994. Currently, the currency unit in Croatia is Kuna.